Blog Archive

Thursday, February 16, 2012


It may seem somewhat shocking.
I have been standing at the door to your heart just a knocking.
I have been here while you was just a rocking.
And while your tree you was a flocking.

What I offer is not always a life of ease.
Or even a life of self-serving please.

I only ask that you pick up your cares
I only ask that you follow me and see how you fair.
This must seem like an outright dare.
But I have been right here all the time showing that I care.

Even when others could care less.
I will give you my very best caress.

The road ahead will be filled with rejection.
Many will give you an outright objection.
Many will say could we please get back to tradition.
Without any of that prohibition.
Out with the old and in with the new.
We want to make a brand new brew.
Let us put our hope
In the hands of the pope.
Many a hand will so bend
And outright say oh the world will not end.
Let us just keep on building, marrying, and having fun
Can you not see all this is just a small little bun.

This is not my way at all
At times you may not have a ball
Many times it has seemed as if you have taken a fall.
Maybe at times you feel as if your life is at a stall.
You may be short or even tall.
But none the less I am now here to give you a call.

Follow only my pleasure.
And I will give you much treasure.
It will not be worldly.
Things will be more orderly.
Why continue to live in pain
When my plan is so very plain.
I just want you to call me friend.
You will have in due time life without end.
This life is a free gift, not something you pay for.
Won't you please choose me, and my way.
December 2007

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