Saturday, March 24, 2012

how to preach your own funeral

Jawansa Hall
Lynchburg SDA church
Mark 9:43-47
Is it actually your eye that causes you to sin or is it you yourself who is sinning.
We are not talking about self-mutilation but separation from what is causing or helping you to choose to sin.
Cause’s of fear of funeral
1.       Jobs/school
2.       Media/no texting’
3.       Relationships
4.       You!!!
Amos 3:3
I love me and only me generation.
Is the flesh of self-dead?
Colossians 3:3
Life is hidden in Christ, you have died to self.
Romans 8:5-9
Leave off the flesh, change of nature
Burned house cannot be rebuilt into a new house.
Ephesians 2:1-10
Verse three mentions children of wrath and the word for wrath can be anger, temper, impulse, desire, indignation, anger in punishment.
We will have struggles still. God is working on the root of the problem.
How do we stop the funeral?
God is the only one that can change our burned house of self into a new built house that will glorify him.

as long as i did this right, everyone should be able to see the video, if anyone has any problems seeing it please let me know about it as soon as possible.

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