Friday, October 11, 2024

hurranes, northern lights , solar storm all signs of Yeshuas soon return

 Milton equals departure

Nadine equals departure

Northern Lights means look to the horizon

Solar Flare brings up unresolved past issues

Jesus is coming soon

no time setting

Leslie equals Gospel. Great Commision 

The Great Commission

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Pay attention

Awake from you long held slumber.

lets work toghether 

Reginald Stevenson

Modern day version of Paul 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

space force

 the rich elites know exactly what is coming. 

they have known for years

They fear it

they want to fight against it.

Why a space force?

why now?

simple they want to do everything in the world to deceive the world that number one there will be the arrival of the false Messiah. 

then they will try to fight against the arrival of Yeshua 

Pay attention

Awak from your long held Slumber

Reginald Stevenson

Gods redeemed Child 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

its all falling apart.

 the world around is literally falling apart. Biden hates Harris. Harris and Waltz both need help, they need our prayers bad. The recent hurricane was geoengineered and there was a hurrican in the 40's i think it was that had the same name and the same intensity and was headed for the same location. they also where 66 years apart from each other, which is highly interesting. 

People no longer seem to know what they are. they cannot identify what a woman is. you can now identify as one of up to 72 genders. you can even identify as a animal now. one kid that i know of is being allowed to identify as a cat, his mom actually allows him to do this. as far as i know he does not use a litter box, so how exactly can he identify as a cat. they both clearly suffer from a mental illness. 

There is war in various locations. wars and rumors of wars. Ukraine and the recent attacks from Iran toward Israel. remember the Bible when all the world circles Jerusalem, then you flee to the mountains. it happened before and it will happen again 

if you support H and W. you end up loosing you fan base in a big way. Taylor Swift is loosing millions of followers. 

America is currently one of the weakest countries in the world and the world literally knows it. Our leadership is an utter failure. H and Biden have led us to this point! if H and W win in Nov 5th we are quite literally doomed. she will continue to destroy this country and it will eventually collapse.

The rich elites are trying to destroy Americas economy and it will eventually collapse. one it collapses the rest of the dominoes will collapse and them we will be ushered into the New World Order, digital currently, a mark in you hand, and a mark in your forehead( the one in you forehead is symbolical, meaning people will know who you serve by your actions). then will come the Sunday Law and outright persecution.

Pay Attention


Accept Jesus/ Yeshuar

Friday, October 4, 2024

weather modification

 weather modification is a very real thing! it was used to destroy several towns in NC. they use several different methods to do this. one is HAARP. the other is NEXTRAD.

a town close to my Stokesville VA was destroyed years ago because the military was cloud seeding and the rain got so bad that the river overran its banks and almost wiped the town off the map.

Reginald Stevenson

Gods Redeemed Child

A humble servant of Yeshua