Sunday, September 29, 2024

my take on the election

 who should we vote f or? you can make your own choice. things where much better for my in 2016-2020., i can barely make it through a half a month with the money that i receive and then i have to scramble to get food. Biden and Harris have essentially destroyed this country, letting in millions of illegals and one report i came across is that these illegals are actually receiving $20000 a month. we live in very strange times. The Haitians are not here illegally but i did a lot or research into DJT claims about immigrants eating animal. first off i found reports of geese being taken and eating and them i found a report of a lady in another town that killed a cat and eating it but she was an American. there is also proof from the daughter of an Hatian immigrant that they do practice Vodoo and in these Vodoo rituals they do kill cats and do eat them. 

Trump and JD Vance are the best option for this country. Trump has issues, that's a given. I personally do not totally support Trump, but he is the only choice for this country. Trump also want to return this country to Christ/Yeshua. project 2025 has nothing at all to do with either one of the candidates. 

We need to pray for all of the people running for office. Harris clearly has major issues, she Connot answer basic questions and the policy's that she has mentioned would raise Americas tax's. if Harris gets into office, we are essentially doomed. she wants to crimination free speech. Hilliary Clinton also called for the crimination of free speech. Waltz is very dangerous also. taking peoples kids away from them simply because they will not those kids to transition or get health care that allows them to transition. he aslo essentially allowed a city to riot and burn. He also put tampons in a boys restroom of all things. 

The following has little to do with the election but is tied to it. 

Men and woman have gotten to the point where they simply just do not know what gender they are. 72 different genders. They simply do not know how to identify what a woman is!! they call it a spectrum 

Wee live in an evil time and i really think we are extremely close to the tribulation spoken of in the Bilbe 

Friday, September 27, 2024

freedom of speech under attack in Merica

 it saddens me that we have reached this cultural crossroads in Merica. worldwide freedom of speech is under attack and now it is trying to come to America. Hillary Clinton called for crimalization of certain types of free speech. Harris wants to literally take our rights to free speech away from us. They, the rich elites have called for "reeducation camps". These camps are already built in America. FEMA has energency plans, the president has Excutive orders that can literally take over this country at any moment and utterly destroy it from within. once Merica falls, the rest of the Dominoes will fall and the they will usher in the Mark of the Beast, the One World Government, the one world religion.

if you dont know Jesus, please i beg of you accept Him now.

all you have to do is to get down on your knees and tell him that you give your hear to him. if i dont warn you than your very blood will be required at my hands!!!

06281 ( Hes Alive 

please get in your Bibles and read them!!

Pay attention

Awake from your long held slumber

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 Zelensky should not be in America, campaigning for Harris. This is essentially Ukraine influence in our elections, something the dems tried to blame Trump for (Russian collusion). Its long past time  for people to start to Wake up! 

Monday, September 23, 2024

who am i?

 Follower of Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh

Bible reader. need to get back into that but need a large print bible 

Megaphone voice, natural ability


ability to Multitask 

Hiker/ Adventurer

Currently Single but looking for my female Gift From God

where should our focus be?

 Simple answer

Jehovah_Jireh = God


Holy Spirt

The Holy Spirt points us to Jesus

Jesus points us to God

there is not Trinity. its a paganistic idea that has ties to almost ever single pagan culture in history

pay attention


House of Cards collapsing

 Diddy fell

Pink, Obama, Mike Aka Michelle, and others are deleting their X posts and tweets

they have built this up for years

whos next?


Harris has ties to Diddy

Pay Attention


whats next


Arrival of the Antichrist 

Second Coming