Truth taken from all walks of life and based on end time Biblical truth. Will also have poems meant to uplift and guide others
Blog Archive
- Christianity to soon become criminal
- Girl claims to be Illuminati and threatens to kill...
- Haiyan was man made and controlled.
- Proof that thermite was used in 9/11
- Satan will be allowed to make it look as if the se...
- Obamacare horror is just the beginning.
- UFO activity is on the rise
- Christians blamed for Obamacare problems
- Obama honors all faith traditions while attacking ...
- Phillipine cop breaks into tears at protest.
- Woman knew Obama in Hawaii as Barry Soetoro.
- Cincinnati shooting
- Man called a neo-Nazi for question child homework ...
- Iran "Death to America" Down to Israel"
- America being pushed towards civil war.
- Us to Force Israel Pa Deal.
- Soldiers being warned about tea party and christians.
- Gaza having supposed power issues.
- Evidence of same crisis actor used in 9/11 and LAX
- Hacker puts chip in own arm. Really?
- American patriots target of government.
- Link between spirituality and revolution.
- Apastacy SDA church and world.
- The gospel according to Britney Spears?????
- Food dies linked to hyperactivity
- Ellen White Construction Crew does not agree with ...
- Glorification of Self right from the mouth of the ...
- America about to become Babylon
- Water turns red in Netherlands.
- Obama can be dictator for life.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Girl claims to be Illuminati and threatens to kill classmates. Demon possession
Demon possession is on the rise people. Awake.
Demon possession is on the rise people. Awake.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
UFO activity is on the rise
Please remember that the so called aliens are just demons.
Please remember that the so called aliens are just demons.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Obama honors all faith traditions while attacking Christianity on grand scale.
People please wake up. We are in the end times.
People please wake up. We are in the end times.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Cincinnati shooting
These false flag shootings are going to keep happening until the rich elites get their way.
These false flag shootings are going to keep happening until the rich elites get their way.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Hacker puts chip in own arm. Really?
What are we doing to ourselves? This mass self-modification is not good at all and it is happening in other places and ways.
What are we doing to ourselves? This mass self-modification is not good at all and it is happening in other places and ways.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Apastacy SDA church and world.
What have we done? We were told to be in the world but to but not to
be off this world, but that is exactly what we have done as Christians.
We have become exactly like the worldly Gentiles around us. We as
Adventists are especially guilty of this and that is not to say that
Adventists are somehow special and that we will be the only ones in
Heaven, because I know for a fact that there will be other people from
other religions in Heaven. Only a misguided fool would think otherwise.
One in four Adventists has been divorced at some point in their life. One in six have experienced divorce since joining the Seventh-day Adventist church. For the others, the divorce happened before becoming Adventists. People with Low incomes are more likely to have gone through a divorce than are higher income respondents. Blacks and whites are more likely to have gone through a divorce than are Asians and Hispanics. Recent converts are also more likely to have been divorced. The largest number of respondents (43 percent) were under30 years of age at the time of their divorce. Another third were under 40, and less than one in four were over 40 or older. One in five Adventists who have experienced divorce have also gone through a second, third, or subsequent marriage dissolution. Almost all of these individuals have had only two divorces. Only a handful of respondents indicated they had been divorced three or more times. A third of the divorces experienced by respondents were finalized in the 1980s, a time in which the rate of divorce among Adventists appears to have reached an all-time high. The rate of divorce among Adventists increased significantly for three decades the 1960s, the 1970s and the 1980s.It is equally clear that the divorce rate declined in the 1990s. Divorces by Adventist couples or any couple for that matter, usually has an impact on the children.Two out of three of divorced people do say that they had minor children in the home at the time of their divorce. Nearly a third of the divorced respondents say children from a previous marriage were part of their family when they went through a divorce. This is evidence of the higher incidence of divorce in second marriages. These children, now going through a second or possibly even a third divorce, are especially at risk. They particularly need the attention,compassion, and ministry of caring Christians. The wife was employed full-time at the time of the divorce in a little more than half of couples. In another quarter of couples she was employed part-time. I don’t think that this statistic is trying to say that it is somehow the woman’s fault because of a divorce but for some odd reason us men somehow feel emasculated when our wifeis earning more money than we are.
The proceeding statistical data for North American Adventists are quoted from: Sahlin, Monte& Norma, A New Generation of Adventist Families, 1997. Lincoln,Nebraska: Center for Creative Ministry.
We have evidence of even greater sin in amongst many of our congregations. There is evidence of mismanagement of funds, fraud and deception on a grand scale.People have stolen money from the church over the years. Hugo Gambetta former vice president of Lake Region Conference was terminated after it had been found that he and others had misused funds and were involved in illegal immigration activities. Now this same Hugo is now all over the web claiming that the current Pope has an Adventist brother, this is very dangerous for us as a church because what is being hinted at here is that the Pope could attack the church because of this supposed brother, or course it could also mean that the Pope will not attack the church at all. I so far have found no evidence of any brother of the Pope that is an Adventist or that there ever was one who was an Adventist. The problem is that this could pass the blame for the coming persecution off onto the Catholic Church even more than it is already being passed off. We are already being accused of hating the Catholic Church by many former Adventists and other Christian groups. I think Hugo’s comments are misguided and ill-timed and quite possibly could be outright fraud again. The General Conference of Adventists has confirmed to many people by phone that this video is an outright fabrication. What is going on here? This guy is going to cause more issues for the Adventist church. What will be the ultimate result of this guy’s actions?
Within our church we have issues with abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse.It is pretty bad when a pastor of a church here in Virginia is charged with sexual battery of a thirteen year old, and his wife is also charged with failure to report child abuse. This happened in Luray Virginia and for those of you who may be wondering it was not an Adventist pastor.
We also have seen many in our church choose the gay lifestyle even though they had been raised in loving homes. Ask yourself why it is that so many are choosing this lifestyle? We have people who kill, rape, steal and commit any of the other crimes that we know of. What has gone wrong here folks? Why are we exactly like the worldly Gentiles? A change needs to be made in how we choose to live our lives. We need to somehow figure out how to get back to a primitive form of Godliness. How are we as a people going to do that?
We also have a huge issue with jewelry which by the way was allowed in the Bible,but we have acted like it is not allowed to such a degree that people associate Adventism with not wearing jewelry. Jewelry is not the issue at all. The issue is our attitudes and self-imposed ideas of self-righteousness. We as a church have become elitist in nature and I personally am fed up with seeing it happen.What are we going to do church? Are we going to keep acting like we are the only ones why have the truth? Are we going to keep treating members of other religions as if they will not be in Heaven just because they do not think like we do? That is not the way that Christ acted towards people and if we are true followers of
Jesus we will stop acting like this and quite frankly we will do it NOW! Amen?
We have very little time left on this old world. We must get out there and work for the Harvest, the ripe harvest that is ready to be plucked. Are you ready?Will you go into the fields and work?
One in four Adventists has been divorced at some point in their life. One in six have experienced divorce since joining the Seventh-day Adventist church. For the others, the divorce happened before becoming Adventists. People with Low incomes are more likely to have gone through a divorce than are higher income respondents. Blacks and whites are more likely to have gone through a divorce than are Asians and Hispanics. Recent converts are also more likely to have been divorced. The largest number of respondents (43 percent) were under30 years of age at the time of their divorce. Another third were under 40, and less than one in four were over 40 or older. One in five Adventists who have experienced divorce have also gone through a second, third, or subsequent marriage dissolution. Almost all of these individuals have had only two divorces. Only a handful of respondents indicated they had been divorced three or more times. A third of the divorces experienced by respondents were finalized in the 1980s, a time in which the rate of divorce among Adventists appears to have reached an all-time high. The rate of divorce among Adventists increased significantly for three decades the 1960s, the 1970s and the 1980s.It is equally clear that the divorce rate declined in the 1990s. Divorces by Adventist couples or any couple for that matter, usually has an impact on the children.Two out of three of divorced people do say that they had minor children in the home at the time of their divorce. Nearly a third of the divorced respondents say children from a previous marriage were part of their family when they went through a divorce. This is evidence of the higher incidence of divorce in second marriages. These children, now going through a second or possibly even a third divorce, are especially at risk. They particularly need the attention,compassion, and ministry of caring Christians. The wife was employed full-time at the time of the divorce in a little more than half of couples. In another quarter of couples she was employed part-time. I don’t think that this statistic is trying to say that it is somehow the woman’s fault because of a divorce but for some odd reason us men somehow feel emasculated when our wifeis earning more money than we are.
The proceeding statistical data for North American Adventists are quoted from: Sahlin, Monte& Norma, A New Generation of Adventist Families, 1997. Lincoln,Nebraska: Center for Creative Ministry.
We have evidence of even greater sin in amongst many of our congregations. There is evidence of mismanagement of funds, fraud and deception on a grand scale.People have stolen money from the church over the years. Hugo Gambetta former vice president of Lake Region Conference was terminated after it had been found that he and others had misused funds and were involved in illegal immigration activities. Now this same Hugo is now all over the web claiming that the current Pope has an Adventist brother, this is very dangerous for us as a church because what is being hinted at here is that the Pope could attack the church because of this supposed brother, or course it could also mean that the Pope will not attack the church at all. I so far have found no evidence of any brother of the Pope that is an Adventist or that there ever was one who was an Adventist. The problem is that this could pass the blame for the coming persecution off onto the Catholic Church even more than it is already being passed off. We are already being accused of hating the Catholic Church by many former Adventists and other Christian groups. I think Hugo’s comments are misguided and ill-timed and quite possibly could be outright fraud again. The General Conference of Adventists has confirmed to many people by phone that this video is an outright fabrication. What is going on here? This guy is going to cause more issues for the Adventist church. What will be the ultimate result of this guy’s actions?
Within our church we have issues with abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse.It is pretty bad when a pastor of a church here in Virginia is charged with sexual battery of a thirteen year old, and his wife is also charged with failure to report child abuse. This happened in Luray Virginia and for those of you who may be wondering it was not an Adventist pastor.
We also have seen many in our church choose the gay lifestyle even though they had been raised in loving homes. Ask yourself why it is that so many are choosing this lifestyle? We have people who kill, rape, steal and commit any of the other crimes that we know of. What has gone wrong here folks? Why are we exactly like the worldly Gentiles? A change needs to be made in how we choose to live our lives. We need to somehow figure out how to get back to a primitive form of Godliness. How are we as a people going to do that?
We also have a huge issue with jewelry which by the way was allowed in the Bible,but we have acted like it is not allowed to such a degree that people associate Adventism with not wearing jewelry. Jewelry is not the issue at all. The issue is our attitudes and self-imposed ideas of self-righteousness. We as a church have become elitist in nature and I personally am fed up with seeing it happen.What are we going to do church? Are we going to keep acting like we are the only ones why have the truth? Are we going to keep treating members of other religions as if they will not be in Heaven just because they do not think like we do? That is not the way that Christ acted towards people and if we are true followers of
Jesus we will stop acting like this and quite frankly we will do it NOW! Amen?
We have very little time left on this old world. We must get out there and work for the Harvest, the ripe harvest that is ready to be plucked. Are you ready?Will you go into the fields and work?
The gospel according to Britney Spears?????
This is not good at all. She was one of the early female stars that started to sexualize herself at an early age. This is not who we need to be listening to.
This is not good at all. She was one of the early female stars that started to sexualize herself at an early age. This is not who we need to be listening to.
Food dies linked to hyperactivity
If it affects our kids you can also bet that it affects us adults also!!!
If it affects our kids you can also bet that it affects us adults also!!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Ellen White Construction Crew does not agree with the Bible.
"Before the Flood, the Lord by a holy angel declared to Noah His purpose, and directed him to build an ark. While building the ark he was to preach that God would bring a flood of water upon the earth to destroy the wicked. Those who would believe the message, and would prepare for that event by repentance and reformation, should find pardon and be saved. Enoch had repeated to his children what God had shown him in regard to the Flood, and Methuselah and his sons, who lived to hear the preaching of Noah, assisted in building the ark. (Patriarchs and Prophets, page 92)
Genesis 6:5-22
Noah was the only righteous man alive, so how in the world could Enoch and Methuselah be alive also? It's impossible. Wake up.
Gen. 5:32. Noah was 500 when he had his sons. then go to Gen. 7: 6 . Noah was 600 when the flood came. No preaching for 120 years like we have been taught.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
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