Thursday, January 2, 2025

antichrist in bound

 They are paving the way for Anti-Christ... Reaction!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

transformers movie


Just finished watching “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” and it was a bit extreme in the amount of action that they had on the screen but I believe that it is showing what is about to happen here in our world where there will be the struggle between good and evil. Evil wants to gain control of this earth and try to gain control of the New Jerusalem...will Evil succeed, praise God no it will not do so..there will be a fierce battle of words and some battle of actions on mainly Evils ground , but the eventual conqueror will be the One and the only One who has the power to conquer Evil once and for all. He has already conquered Evil by willingly giving His own life for our sins. This movie showed this self sacrifice quite a bit, and very soon many will have to choose between self sacrifice or self-pleasing and reliance not on God but on the corrupt government who will be in control of all food, all money and who gets or not gets this food or money. What will any of us choose, will we take the hard road of self sacrifice or the easy road that leads straight to hell and eternal damnation?

Sunday, October 20, 2024

election theory's, future theory's

 First scenario. 

The rich elites will continue to try to kill Trump by whatever means necessary and if he wins, they will do their worst to make sure he does not get into office on Jan 20th. if he does get into office, they will 25th amendment him and then 25th amendment JD Vance till they get whoever the speaker of the house in there. they are bound and determined to make sure KH wins. and they are already cheating. 

Second Scenario

                    KH will stage a coup and attempt to take over the white house after a Trump win. how would she do that, I don't know. because it would be highly illegal, but Shes an illegitimate candidate as it is. She should not even be in the race at all. 

Third Scenario

                            Trumps eventual assassination. Simpsons have predicted Trumps death and one dream that i came across has told of Trumps eventual assassination. This would mean that JD Vance would then be the next president but here again the rich elites will try to get their "word salad hero" into office by any means necessary. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

CERN demonic entity's, superheros

 Be your own hero

be your own boss

Cern is being used to break dimensional barriers 

do demons really need to have these barriers broker? nope they really don't 

super beings coming soon

super humans, healing powers, can call fire down from heaven coming soon

what side are you going to be on?

i know who i am and what side i must fight on.

are you with me?

will you follow Yeshua, Jesus

will you come with me? 

where is my Barnabus, my Timothy?

i am a modern day version of Paul

i can interpret dreams  

i can megaphone my voice, project it. 

i can push through the pain of a bad back and a foot that is a couple of centimeters higher than my other 

i am His alone

Gods redeemed Child

Wayfaring Wanderer 

The King

Reginald Stevenson 

free man , 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Harris is an absolute dumpster fire and a total embarrassment to america. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

hurranes, northern lights , solar storm all signs of Yeshuas soon return

 Milton equals departure

Nadine equals departure

Northern Lights means look to the horizon

Solar Flare brings up unresolved past issues

Jesus is coming soon

no time setting

Leslie equals Gospel. Great Commision 

The Great Commission

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Pay attention

Awake from you long held slumber.

lets work toghether 

Reginald Stevenson

Modern day version of Paul 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

space force

 the rich elites know exactly what is coming. 

they have known for years

They fear it

they want to fight against it.

Why a space force?

why now?

simple they want to do everything in the world to deceive the world that number one there will be the arrival of the false Messiah. 

then they will try to fight against the arrival of Yeshua 

Pay attention

Awak from your long held Slumber

Reginald Stevenson

Gods redeemed Child